RICEP participated in the Assises de la filière Pêche et Produits de la Mer meeting
RICEP participated in the Assises de la filière Pêche et Produits de la Mer meeting that was held in Paris in June 2010. This annual meeting bring together economic and political actors of the fishing sector (producers, processors and distibutors). Discussions have focused on the seafood commercialization, the organization of the sector and on the relationship producers-distributors: these issues are being developed by RICEP and PRESPO partners in the context of the activity 5. For more information: http://evenium.com/pro/fiche/quest.jsp;jsessionid=DE93B87475BB21D8A4BD3EA5AFE3E398.gl1?surveyName=Default&open=open&locale=2&pg=accueil