The PRESPO project aims to collect a set of scientific information that will improve the artisanal fisheries management, increasing their sustainability in biological, environmental, social and economic terms.
Specific purposes:
- Develop tools and instruments to gather information on the activity of the artisanal fleet;
- Propose a data collection program for artisanal fisheries, particularly for small-scale fisheries;
- Develop systems to allow for integrated data analysis, in order to facilitate decision-making;
- Develop integrated and dynamic bio-socio-economic models in order to improve fisheries management in the Atlantic Area;
- Improve technical efficiency of vessels, consequently reducing fishing effort;
- Reduce the fishing effort directed towards some commercial species through the promotion of alternative and diversified activities to fishing;
- Increase vessels profitability by creating more added value to the fishing products;
- Develop and modify fishing gears aiming to reduce environmental impact on the ecosystem, by reducing mortality and discards associated with this activity;
- Create observatories of artisanal fisheries;
- Suggest a surveillance system capable of informing the fishing industry about the trends and developments regarding unwanted negative biologic and economic situations;
- Consolidate the international scientific network of collection of fisheries biological, social and economical data;
- Promote international cooperation between the main research centres of the project partners;
- Contribute to achieve the objectives of new Common Fisheries Policy.