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Juan José García del Hoyo
Universidad de Huelva. C/Dr. Cantero Cuadrado, 6 21071 Huelva España
+34 959218019 +34959218080
Juan José García del Hoyo is a Professor of Statistics and Econometrics at the University of Huelva. He obtained his PhD. degree in 1995 from the University of Sevilla. His thesis was entitled "Fishing Bioeconomic Modelling: the purse-seining fishery in the Gulf of Cádiz" ("Modelización Bioeconómica de la Pesca: la pesquería de cerco del Golfo de Cádiz"), in which bayesian techniques were used to evaluate the biomass of fishing resources. He is the author or co-author of 30 books and around 35 scientific articles. It is worth highlighting the articles which have been published in ICES Journal of Marine Science, Marine Policy, Marine Resource Economics or Fisheries Research. In addition, he is the author of more than 60 papers which have been presented at international conferences (IIFET, EAFE, etc). He has supervised six PhD. Theses and, currently, he is supervising three more. He has conducted and participated in 35 research projects funded by different Governmental and private institutions. These research projects belong to the EU Framework Programme (MOFISH, TEMEC or SESAME), Interreg Programmes (OCIPESCA and PRESPO), national programmes and he has also signed twenty research contracts with companies and institutions. He has been the Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Huelva and, currently, he is the Vice-rector of Academic Affairs and Teaching staff at the University of Huelva.