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IPIMAR - Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar

IPIMAR is the governmental research organisation in Portugal in the area of fisheries and marine resources, integrated in the National Institute for Biological Resources (INRB) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. IPIMAR aims to promote and support a sustainable and competitive fishing industry and aquaculture, to manage fish stocks to maintain maximum sustainable exploitation, to contribute for the protection of marine environment, and to monitor and upgrade the quality of fishery and aquaculture products. More information: http://www.inrb.pt/ipimar


The AGLIA (Association du Grand Littoral Atlantique) gathers the regional Councils, the fishing and the marine cultures professionals of the four Regions of the French large Atlantic facade and the Western English Channel: Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes and Aquitaine. Its objective is to promote the activities linked with the fishing and the aquaculture in the Bay of Biscay. From a simple place of dialog and exchanges on the questions of fishing and the marine cultures, the AGLIA became little by little an active partner in the debates on the future of the maritime activities of our four Regions of the Great French Atlantic West. The ambition of the AGLIA is to gather all the actors of our activities for better understanding, and finally better acting. More information: www.aglia.org

AZTI-Tecnalia - Centro Tecnológico del Mar y los Alimentos

AZTI-Tecnalia, a Technological centre specialised in Marine and Food Research, is a non-profit organization, whose objective is the social development and the improvement of competitiveness in its area of influence, marine research and food research, by means of technological Research and Innovation. The Marine research division comprises the following areas of expertise: the Coastal Management, the Operational Oceanography, the Fisheries Management and the Marine Technologies. The Food research covers the following expertise areas: New Food Products, Food Safety, Novel Technologies, Environment and Gastronomic Developments. AZTI-Tecnalia has been involved in more than 2000 projects in collaboration with administration and private firms. More information: www.azti.es

FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

The Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) was created in 1926, but its history began a century before, with the creation of the Polytechnic Academy of Porto. FEUP was the first to offer higher education in Engineering in the country, and incorporated the University of Porto in 1911, after the establishment of the Portuguese Republic. FEUP inherits from the Academy a leading role in the economic development of Porto and Portugal, trough the excellence of its educational service, training engineers to the world, and the scientific and technological advances that accelerated the industrial progress and quality of life. Today, FEUP claims its place at the forefront of engineering education in Portugal and seek a position of reference at international level, enhancing the excellence of its training and research in response to the great challenges of the planet.. More information: www.fe.up.pt

IFAPA - Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera

IFAPA is a public regional institution from Andalucía dedicated to agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries research and training. IFAPA claims to be a dynamic and operational institute, realistic and pragmatic in its training, research and technological innovation programs within its thematic fields of activity. In the fisheries theme, the main aims are the evolution of natural population of commercial species, as well as the impact of fishery gears to get a sustainable exploitation of coastal living resources in Andalucia. More information: ifapa

IFREMER - Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer

IFREMER is a public institute of industrial and commercial nature. It is placed under the joint supervision of the ministries for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning; for Higher Education and Research; for Agriculture and Fisheries. As the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer contributes, through its studies and expert assessments, to improving knowledge of the oceans and their resources, monitoring the marine and coastal environment and promoting the sustainable development of marine activities. With these objectives in mind, Ifremer designs and deploys observational, experimental and monitoring tools and manages the French ocean research fleet and oceanographic databases on behalf of the entire scientific community. Ifremer is a source of knowledge, innovation, monitoring data and expertise for the maritime world, both in terms of public policy and socio-economic activity. It is the only structure of its kind in Europe. More information: www.ifremer.fr

RICEP - Réseau d'Informations et de conseil en économie des pêches

RICEP is an association governed by the Law 1901 consisted of 7 members. This grouping of technical, professional and scientific skills allows constituting strength of expertise and proposition on the economic and social problematic of sea fishing. The RICEP leans on the acquired experience for more than 15 years on the economic and social problems of fishing (profitability of companies, employment, formation, etc.), of improving the value of the production (markets, commercialization, marketing, quality, etc.) and measures of management (selectivity, resource management, etc). More information: www.ricep.fr

CEP - Centro de Experimentación Pesquera

CEP is an administrative section of the regional governmental fisheries organisation in the Principality of Asturias, in the area of fisheries and marine resources, integrated in the “Servicio de Ordenación Pesquera” belonging to the “Dirección General de Pesca” of the “Consejería de Medio Rural y Pesca del Principado de Asturias”. CEP gives technical advice to the Regional Administrators in marine biology, aquaculture and fisheries management and also takes part in research projects related to Asturias marine environment and fisheries. CEP is made up mainly of biologists and it is split up into three departments: fisheries, marine aquaculture and seaweed. It also has an aquarium-museum dedicated to promote the Cantabric Sea marine organisms and the Asturias fishery. More information: tematico.asturias.es/dgpesca

CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar

CETMAR is a Public Foundation promoted by the Regional Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the General Directorate of the Government of Galicia -Xunta de Galicia- together with the former Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, currently the Spanish try of Science and Innovation. As an inter-institutional meeting point and cooperation entity, CETMAR aims to contribute to improving the conditions for the sustainable development of marine resources and in this framework, to increase the efficiency of the sectors within fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing, along with all those activities directly or indirectly linked to the use and exploitation of the sea and its resources. The main strategies are focused on the achievement of a higher degree of inter-institutional cooperation and interdisciplinary integration of the Research and Development resources available. Along with a higher involvement of the target production sector in the development of Research and Development as well as technological development activities. More information: www.cetmar.org

UCA - Universidad de Cádiz

As a public institution, the aims of the University of Cadiz (UCA) are not only to educate students on the different study programmes offered in the Faculties and Schools located on our four Campuses, but also to ensure that the UCA is seen throughout the province as the people's university, renowned for the quality of the education and services it offers to its students, for its contribution to the cultural life of the province, and for its cooperation with businesses, government bodies and social groups, creating wealth and employment and contributing to an improvement in the level of well-being. In order to achieve these aims, it is vital for society in general to be aware of the enormous work potential of the University, and the constant improvement in the quality of its services, thanks to the continued efforts of the teaching, research and administrative staff. More information: www.uca.es

UHU - Universidad de Huelva

The University of Huelva (UHU), which was set up in 1993, has 11,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and 950 lecturers and professors, who work in 24 Departments and 9 Faculties. 37 undergraduate degrees and 30 postgraduate degrees are offered. Its facilities are located in four campuses: “La Rábida” (technical and engineering degrees), “La Merced” (Business Administration degrees), “El Carmen” (the rest of the degrees) and “Cantero Cuadrado” (the University’s headquarters where administrative facilities and some services provided by the University are located). In 2009 its annual budget amounts to 79,153,703 euros. The research group MEMPES-AEA, which takes part in PRESPO is made up of 21 researchers from the Department “Economic Quantitative Methods” (“Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía”) and the Department “General Economics” (“Economía General”). Its main researcher is Dr. Juan José García del Hoyo. The research group is considered as “excellent” in the Andalusian Research Plan and it specialises in the analysis of the economic problems associated with fishing activities, among other research lines. More information: www.uhu.es

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